With Cartoon Network and Adult Swim executive Michael Ouwleen (Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, Space Ghost), Colt also co-hosts the AM radio talk show 'Politely Disruptive' on WMLB AM1690 (the Voice of the Arts).
Pipien reappeared in 1997, when he replaced original bassist Johnny Colt in multi-platinum rock act The Black Crowes.
Johnny Cash | Johnny Depp | Johnny Winter | Johnny Carson | Johnny Mathis | The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson | Johnny Hallyday | Johnny Weissmuller | Johnny Mercer | Johnny Marr | Colt's Manufacturing Company | Colt Brennan | Colt | Johnny Rivers | Johnny Majors | Johnny Vegas | Johnny Thunders | Johnny Haynes | Johnny Damon | Johnny Crawford | Johnny Vaughan | Johnny Paycheck | Johnny Gill | Johnny Douglas | Johnny Appleseed | Johnny | Little Johnny Jones | Johnny Clegg | Johnny B. Goode | Johnny Bench |