Based in Los Angeles, California, he started his artistic career as an actor in several television series and soap operas and later on starred in a 2001 movie titled Circuit along with Jonathan Wade-Drahos and Kiersten Warren.
Jonathan Wade-Drahos is an American film and television actor who is most famous for his lead role as John Webster in Dirk Shafer's 2001 film Circuit.
Jonathan Swift | Jonathan Ross | Goodluck Jonathan | Jonathan Demme | Roe v. Wade | Jonathan Lethem | Jonathan | Jonathan Richman | Jonathan Coulton | Abdoulaye Wade | Wade Hampton III | Jonathan Safran Foer | Jonathan King | Jonathan Rhys Meyers | Jonathan Zittrain | Jonathan Silverman | Jonathan Nott | Jonathan Kaplan | Jonathan Harris | Jonathan Cain | Jonathan Butler | Jonathan Borofsky | Jonathan Aitken | Dwyane Wade | Wade Dooley | Jonathan Wells | Jonathan Tweet | Jonathan Pryce | Jonathan Pearce | Jonathan Dimbleby |
Forwards: Josef Maleček (5 goals scored), Jiří Tožička (1), Oldřich Kučera (4), Ladislav Troják, Zdeněk Jirotka (3), Drahoš Jirotka (3), Alois Cetkovský, Walter Ullrich
Also a star track athlete, Wade won the gold medal over the 200 meters, with a time of 20.95 seconds, and the bronze medal over 100 meters at 2001 World Youth Championships in Athletics.
In turn, the United States strategy of linking trade policy to intellectual property standards can be traced back to the entrepreneurship of senior management at Pfizer in the early 1980s, who mobilized corporations in the United States and made maximizing intellectual property privileges the number one priority of trade policy in the United States (Braithwaite and Drahos, 2000, Chapter 7).