It revolves around the exploits of a young boy, the eponymous hero (played by Richard Holian), his pet dog, Razzle, and his eccentric family members: Mam (Jane Lowe) and Dad (Leslie Schofield), older sister Rita (Sue Devaney) and older brothers Albert (Tommy Robinson) and Humph (Humphrey) (Jeremy Austin).
Nicholas Briggs | Raymond Briggs | Jonny Wilkinson | Jonny Quest | Jonny Gomes | Arthur Briggs (rugby) | Briggs & Stratton | Wilma Briggs | Shannon Briggs | Walter Briggs, Sr. | Jonny Storm | Jonny's Golden Quest | Jonny Lee Miller | Jonny Fairplay | Henry Briggs | Austin Briggs | Peter Briggs | Jonny Weston | Jonny Maudling | Jonny Greenwood | George N. Briggs | Benjamin Briggs | William Briggs | Walter Briggs, Jr. | Ted Briggs | Paul Briggs | Kevin "She'kspere" Briggs | Jonny Vang | Jonny Steinberg | Jonny Quest vs. The Cyber Insects |
It included repeats of archive shows rarely seen on the main channels, such as Mr Benn, Paddington, Simon and the Witch, Ivor the Engine, Jonny Briggs, Pigeon Street, The Family-Ness and Bitsa.