The show was a behind-the-scenes look at reality television answering big-picture questions about the genre and the first season included appearances from many of Jaffer's reality star friends including Survivors Jonny Fairplay, Ozzy Lusth, Eliza Orlins, Rupert Boneham and Rob Mariano.
Jonny Wilkinson | Jonny Quest | Jonny Gomes | Fairplay, Colorado | Jonny Storm | Jonny's Golden Quest | Jonny Lee Miller | Jonny Fairplay | Fairplay | Jonny Weston | Jonny Maudling | Jonny Greenwood | Jonny Vang | Jonny Steinberg | Jonny Quest vs. The Cyber Insects | Jonny Quest (TV series) | Jonny Moseley | Jonny McGovern | Jonny Evans | Jonny Briggs | Jonny Blu | Jonny Zero | Jonny Walker | Jonny Trunk | Jonny Smith | Jonny Saunders | Jonny Rowell | Jonny Owen | Jonny Olsen | Jonny Kight |
After their tribe lost the first Immunity Challenge, they tried swinging Jon Dalton, aka "Jonny Fairplay", over to their side to gain a majority over the alliance of Yau-Man Chan, Ami Cusack, Eliza Orlins, and Jonathan Penner.