He began working with athletics manager Jos Hermens and began training for the marathon with his group.
Castro continued for another 943 metres in an attempt to break Jos Hermens' world record for the one hour run as well, but missed out by one metre.
After his athletic career was cut short by injuries, Hermens worked for Nike, leaving it in 1985 to start his management company, Global Sports Communications.
Although it was initially stated that no autopsy was performed, Alem and Kenenisa's manager, Jos Hermens, later said that an autopsy had revealed nothing conclusive about the young woman's death.
Jos | Jos Luhukay | Jos Hermens | Porumbacu de Jos | Jos mä oisin sä | Jos Lansink | University of Jos | Jos Vantyler | Jos van Immerseel | Jos de Putter | Vințu de Jos | Valcău de Jos | Jos van der Lans | Jos Valentijn | Jos Punt | Jos Plateau | Jos mä oisin sun mies | Ceamurlia de Jos |
The competition attracted top level Dutch runners in the 1970s: Klaas Lok won in 1974, Rob Druppers took the 1975 title, then Gerard Tebroke defeated an injured Jos Hermens to win the 1976 race.