However, after the club's relegation in the Bundesliga season 2006–07 into the 2. Bundesliga, Borussia manager Jos Luhukay loaned him out to his former club, Basel for the 2007–08 season.
Over the 2012 summer break, new Hertha manager Jos Luhukay announced that Djuricin, along with Sebastian Neumann and Fanol Perdedaj, would no longer be a part of Hertha's first team.
Thygesen had failed to break into the team under new manager Jos Luhukay, playing only three of the remaining 15 league games.
Jos | Jos Luhukay | Jos Hermens | Porumbacu de Jos | Jos mä oisin sä | Jos Lansink | University of Jos | Jos Vantyler | Jos van Immerseel | Jos de Putter | Vințu de Jos | Valcău de Jos | Jos van der Lans | Jos Valentijn | Jos Punt | Jos Plateau | Jos mä oisin sun mies | Ceamurlia de Jos |