
unusual facts about Joseph Ratzinger

8661 Ratzinger

The asteroid was named after then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (who later became Pope Benedict XVI) for the role he played in supervising the opening of Vatican archives in 1998 to researchers investigating judicial errors against Galileo and other medieval scientists.

Christian Schaller

Already during his Diplomarbeit (Licence thesis), he dealt with one aspect of the theology of Joseph Ratzinger, soon to be Benedict XVI:The Eucharistic Ecclesiology in the context of the sacramentality of the Church was the title of the paper presented by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Ludwig Müller.

Coetus Internationalis Patrum

It was originally formed after complaints by some of the more traditionalist bishops of the presence of Protestants and liberal Catholic theologians such as Hans Küng, Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) and Karl Rahner.


Communio is a federation of theological journals, founded in 1972 by Joseph Ratzinger, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Henri de Lubac, Walter Kasper, Marc Ouellet, Louis Bouyer and others.

Grażyna Miller

This book was published by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana and, on March 6, 2003, presented by the (then) Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

Grégory Katz-Bénichou

Past prize-winners include such figures as the President of the Italian National Bioethics Committee Francesco D'Agostigno (2002), Polish Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki (2003), Irish European Parliament member Dana Scallon (2004), Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (2005), and Norwegian Foreign Affairs Minister Janne Haaland Matlary (2007).

Ida Friederike Görres

The Requiem was held in Freiburg Cathedral, the eulogy given by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict XVI.

Karl Josef Becker

According to John L. Allen, Jr., Becker enjoyed the respect and trust of then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the congregation (and future Pope Benedict XVI).

Máté Hidvégi

Hidvegi was the editor of the biography of Áron Márton (Roman Catholic bishop of Alba Julia, Transylvania, which has been officially included into the canonization files of Aron Marton by the Vatican) and the book The Lord by Romano Guardini, translated by Aron Marton with an introduction by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (the present Pope).


Many philosophers, social scientists and men and women of science and other leading figures have written on this paper, including Massimo Cacciari, Joseph Ratzinger, Bruno Forte, Michele Santoro, Gianni Vattimo, Leszek Kołakowski, Marcel Gauchet, Margherita Hack and Walter Veltroni.


Father Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, served as peritus to Cardinal Josef Frings, Archbishop of Cologne, Germany, while Hans Küng was a peritus for the Council, rather than for an individual Bishop.

Romano Guardini

As a philosopher he founded no “school”, but his intellectual disciples could in some sense be said to include Josef Pieper, Luigi Giussani, Felix Messerschmid, Heinrich Getzeny, Rudolf Schwarz, Jean Gebser, Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI), and Jorge Mario Bergoglio (later Pope Francis).

Thomas Joseph Murphy

Murphy's appointment came after a series of controversies surrounding Hunthausen which included an apostolic visitation to the archdiocese ordered by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

see also

Angelo Sodano

Jason Berry writes that Sodano, as John Paul II's secretary of state, "pressured Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict, in two notorious cases," the Hans Hermann Groër case and the Marcial Maciel case, to stop investigations into abuse.

Christian Schaller

From 2003 to 2012, Christian Schaller was the theological collaborator of Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Bishop of Regensburg, and at the same time, since 2008, Deputy Director (vicar) of the Institut Papst Benedikt XVI, which is responsible for the edition of the publication complete works of Joseph Ratzinger, the establishment of a specialized library and an archive for scientific research work of the theological Papa Emeritus.

Colm O'Gorman

In 2006 O'Gorman filmed Sex Crimes and the Vatican for the BBC Panorama documentary series, which claimed that the Vatican has used Crimen sollicitationis secret document to silence allegations of sexual abuse by priests and also claimed Crimen sollicitationis was enforced for 20 years by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became pope Benedict XVI.

ICEL Psalter

Because of controversies surrounding ICEL's use of dynamic equivalence and gender-inclusive language, by order of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict XVI, the imprimatur was revoked in 1998 by Bishop Anthony Pilla.

Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

The English translations of the works of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) also use the RSV-CE or its Second Edition.

Teachings of Opus Dei

In his opening message for the theological symposium Holiness and the World, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger stressed that the teachings on sanctity of the founder of Opus Dei are "Christ-centred".