
2 unusual facts about Romano Guardini

Máté Hidvégi

Hidvegi was the editor of the biography of Áron Márton (Roman Catholic bishop of Alba Julia, Transylvania, which has been officially included into the canonization files of Aron Marton by the Vatican) and the book The Lord by Romano Guardini, translated by Aron Marton with an introduction by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (the present Pope).

Romano Guardini

As a philosopher he founded no “school”, but his intellectual disciples could in some sense be said to include Josef Pieper, Luigi Giussani, Felix Messerschmid, Heinrich Getzeny, Rudolf Schwarz, Jean Gebser, Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI), and Jorge Mario Bergoglio (later Pope Francis).

University of Freiburg Faculty of Theology

The Faculty of Theology has a long list of renowned alumni, among them Desiderius Erasmus, Daniel Ciobotea, Josef Frings, Georg Gänswein, Romano Guardini, Karl Lehmann, Franz Anton Staudenmaier, Robert Zollitsch, and recently-elected Pope Francis.

see also