She was waived by the Mystics three games into the season when a replacement needed to be signed for the injured Marissa Coleman.
Josephine Baker | Joséphine de Beauharnais | Josephine | Josephine Herbst | Josephine Hopper | Josephine Dickinson | Josephine County | Josephine Collective | Josephine Butler | Joséphine | Sara Josephine Baker | Mary Josephine Booth | Josephine Veasey | Josephine Tey | Josephine Teo | Josephine Shaw Lowell | Josephine Porter Boardman | Josephine Koo | Josephine Johnson | Josephine Hull | Josephine Haas (later ''Haas von Längenfeld-Pfalzheim'') | Josephine G. Fountain | Josephine Elder | Josephine Earp | Josephine Douglas | Josephine de Beauharnais | Josephine County, Oregon | Josephine Clay Ford | Josephine Butler's | Josephine Butler College |