
5 unusual facts about Josephson penetration depth

Fractional vortices

LJJ reacts to the phase discontinuity by bending the Josephson phase \phi(x) in the Josephson penetration depth

where d I is the thickness of the Josephson barrier (usually insulator), d {1,2} are the thicknesses of superconducting electrodes, and \lambda {1,2} are their London penetration depths.

Long Josephson junction

In superconductivity, a long Josephson junction (LJJ) is a Josephson junction which has one or more dimensions longer than the Josephson penetration depth \lambda J.

where spatial coordinate is normalized to the Josephson penetration depth \lambda J and time is normalized to the inverse plasma frequency \omega p^{-1}.

where subscripts x and t denote partial derivatives with respect to x and t, \lambda J is the Josephson penetration depth, \omega p is the Josephson plasma frequency, \omega c is the so-called characteristic frequency and j/j c is the bias current density j normalized to the critical current density j c.

see also