Time Warrior! is a film series in six installments produced by Charles Band's Moonbeam Entertainment in Association With The Kushner-Locke Company and released between 1995 and 1996, featuring the fictional character Josh Kirby played by Corbin Allred.
Along with 20th-century teenager Josh Kirby, and a half-human warrior known as Azabeth Siege, Irwin 1138 sets about thwarting Dr. Zoetrope's plans.
Josh Kirby... Time Warrior!, a series of science fiction films released between 1995 and 1996
Time (magazine) | Time | Time Warner | Xena: Warrior Princess | Jack Kirby | Time Warner Cable | Josh Groban | Greenwich Mean Time | Eastern Time Zone | time travel | Coordinated Universal Time | West Kirby | Time Out | Time Out (company) | Josh Hamilton | TIME | Once Upon a Time | prime time | Josh Duhamel | Time Team | Josh West | In Search of Lost Time | The Time Machine | Josh West (Home and Away) | Big Time Rush | So Little Time | One Day at a Time | Once Upon a Time (TV series) | Drake & Josh | DeLorean time machine |