Marston directed a segment of the collective film New York, I Love You.
At that time Director Joshua Marston started a talent search for young girls to play the role of Rudina in The Forgiveness of Blood.
Joshua Reynolds | Joshua Bell | Joshua | Joshua Nkomo | Joshua James | The Joshua Tree | Joshua Bates | Abraham Joshua Heschel | Joshua Tree National Park | Joshua the High Priest | Joshua Jebb | Joshua ben Levi | Long Marston, Warwickshire | Long Marston | Joshua Then and Now | Joshua Logan | Joshua Jay | Joshua Fisher | Joshua Eagle | Joshua Tree | Joshua Topolsky | Joshua Sobol | Joshua Mowll | Joshua Kennedy | Joshua Hassan | Sir Joshua Rowley, 1st Baronet | Joshua Slocum | Joshua Schachter | Joshua Rifkin | Joshua M. Epstein |