
unusual facts about Juan Antonio Corretjer

Carmelo Delgado Delgado

Delgado enrolled and was accepted in the University of Puerto Rico, where he befriended Puerto Rican poet and Nationalist Juan Antonio Corretjer.

Americo Boschetti

He had written over 500 songs and had also transformed some of the poems from the likes of Jose de Diego, Luis Lloréns Torres, Julia de Burgos, Juan Antonio Corretjer and José Martí into songs by adding music to the lyrics.

Balada de Otro Tiempo

Like Brown's previous albums, it features songs inspired in poems by Luis Palés Matos ("Pueblo negro") and Juan Antonio Corretjer ("Inabón Yunes").

Distancias en Vivo

Like the Distancias album, released in 1977, most of the songs featured in this live album are based on Juan Antonio Corretjer's poems, including the title song.

see also