1 or 2 February - During his first voyage, Captain Woodes Rogers on the Duke encounters marooned privateer Alexander Selkirk and rescues him after four years living on one of the Juan Fernández Islands, inspiring Defoe's book Robinson Crusoe.
However, Charles Stuart, the signals officer, managed to decode a message from Dresden for a collier to meet her at Juan Fernandez on 9 March.
Canary Islands | Faroe Islands | San Juan | Solomon Islands | Channel Islands | Falkland Islands | Marshall Islands | South Shetland Islands | Hawaiian Islands | Pacific Islands | Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands | Aleutian Islands | Cook Islands | Juan Carlos I of Spain | Balearic Islands | British Virgin Islands | Cayman Islands | Channel Islands of California | Andaman Islands | Ryukyu Islands | Don Juan | Galápagos Islands | Chatham Islands | Leonel Fernández | Cristina Fernández de Kirchner | Caroline Islands | U.S. Virgin Islands | Santurce, San Juan, Puerto Rico | Northern Mariana Islands | Juan Gabriel |
On the Juan Fernández Islands, the bird is no longer believed to be nesting on Robinson Crusoe Island but Santa Clara Island had a few hundred birds present in 1991, a number not likely to increase because there is limited availability of suitable nesting sites on the island.
After failing in his purpose, he was imprisoned in the port of Valparaíso, court-martialled, and exiled first to the island of Juan Fernández, and afterwards to Tahiti and in 1837 temporarily settled in Australia.
Juan Bueno flowers are an important source of nectar for the Juan Fernández Firecrown (Sephanoides fernandensis), a hummingbird that is also only found on the Juan Fernández Islands but is almost extinct today.