
5 unusual facts about Ramón Freire

Chilean Australian

One was former Chilean president Ramón Freire, exiled from Chile after attempting to re-take power in a coup.

Ramón Freire

After failing in his purpose, he was imprisoned in the port of Valparaíso, court-martialled, and exiled first to the island of Juan Fernández, and afterwards to Tahiti and in 1837 temporarily settled in Australia.

During his administration he promoted some initiatives of enormous impact, such as the abolition of slavery, the reorganization of the defense system of the port of Valparaíso and the opening of the Chilean markets to world commerce.

In 1816 he joined the Army of the Andes, and returned to Chile as a battalion commander through the Planchón Pass (in southern Chile), occupying the city of Talca on February 11, 1817.

An orphan from early age, he was raised in a hacienda by his maternal uncles near the town of Colina.


In the Chilean Civil War of 1829 the Pipiolos led by Ramón Freire were defeated and the Pelucones could triumphantly enforce the Chilean Constitution of 1833 which led to creation of a strong unitarian and authoritarian presidentialist system held up by upper-class democracy.

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