Judd Apatow | Donald Judd | Ashley Judd | Wynonna Judd | Gregg Allman | Judd Winick | Judd Nelson | Gregg Alexander | Jim Judd | Gerrit P. Judd | Phil Judd | James Judd | Gregg Zaun | Gregg Williams | Gregg Bendian | Gregg Araki | Cledus T. Judd | Chris Judd | Andrew Gregg Curtin | Virginia Gregg | Rebecca Judd | Judd Greenstein | Harry Judd | Gregg Fulkerson | Gregg | Cris Judd | Allan Gregg | Peter A. Judd | Naomi Judd | Judd Holdren |
When incumbent Republican U.S. Senator Judd Gregg decided to retire instead of seeking re-election, Lamontagne ran for the Republican nomination to the U.S. Senate.