This sketch, a send-up of melodramatic soap operas set in a supermarket, mostly featured other former Number 96 actors – Abigail, Candy Raymond, Philippa Baker, Judy Lynne, Anne Louise Lambert.
Judy Garland | Judy Collins | Judy Chicago | Judy Davis | Richard & Judy | Judge Judy | Lynne Stopkewich | Lynne M. Thomas | The Judy Garland Show | Lynne Stewart | Judy Lynne | Judy Blume | Judy Ann Santos | Gillian Lynne | East Lynne | Lynne Littman | Lynne Cheney | Judy Dyble | Judy Cornwell | Richard and Judy | Patricia Lynne Duffy | Lynne Watson | Lynne Tillman | Lynne Taylor-Corbett | Lynne Roberts | Lynne Griffin | Lynne Featherstone | Lynne Abraham | Judy Rabinowitz | Judy Playfair |
This sketch, a send-up of melodramatic soap operas set in a supermarket, mostly featured other former Number 96 actors - Vivienne Garrett, Candy Raymond, Philippa Baker, Judy Lynne and Abigail.