
2 unusual facts about Lynne Cheney

Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College

Past speakers at the Dedication Day Ceremonies have included Tom Brokaw, Jeff Shaara, Lynne Cheney, Sandra Day O'Connor, William Rehnquist, and others.


In the letter, Addington argued that certain characteristics of the fictional profile of Lynne Cheney (Dick Cheney's wife) on Whitehouse.org were cause for litigation should Second Lady Cheney decide to file a lawsuit against Chickenhead Productions.

Christopher DeMuth

DeMuth presided over the institute as a number of high-profile scholars joined AEI, including Charles Murray, Dinesh D'Souza, Richard and Lynne Cheney, Michael Barone, James K. Glassman, Newt Gingrich, Karl Zinsmeister, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

see also