In 1956, during Elvis' first engagement in Las Vegas, visitors to the shows included Judy Spreckels, Hal Wallis (who had just signed Elvis to his first movie deal) and entertainers Ray Bolger, Phil Silvers and Liberace.
:Scampering aboard a plane in Los Angeles, impulsive Judy Spreckels, 24, ex-wife of Sugar Daddy Adolph B. Spreckels Jr., was soon in Memphis and the offices of the daily Press-Scimitar.
Judy Garland | Judy Collins | Judy Chicago | Judy Davis | Richard & Judy | Judge Judy | The Judy Garland Show | Judy Lynne | Judy Blume | Judy Ann Santos | Judy Dyble | Judy Cornwell | Spreckels Sugar Company | Richard and Judy | Judy Rabinowitz | Judy Playfair | Judy Pfaff | Judy Pascoe | Judy Murray | Judy Gold | Judy Cheeks | Judy and Mary | Judith "Judy" Murray | John D. Spreckels | Suite: Judy Blue Eyes | Spreckels Theater Building | Punch and Judy | Judy Valentine | Judy Tenuta | Judy Oakes |