
unusual facts about Jugend


Jugend forscht |

Blood and Honor

Blood and Honor: Youth Under Hitler (German: Blut und Ehre: Jugend Unter Hitler), a German/American made for TV mini-series.

Ferdinand von Řezníček

Řezníček worked first with industrial designers before becoming a contributor to the journals Jugend, Simplicissimus und Fliegende Blätter.

Hambach Castle

A VIP guest in May 1982 was US President Ronald Reagan with his speech "an die Jugend der Welt" (to the youth of the world).

Reichenberg Fellowship

Translation of: Joseph Nicolosi: Homosexualität muss kein Schicksal sein, Gesprächsprotokolle einer alternativen Therapie. Eine Veröffentlichung des Deutschen Instituts für Jugend und Gesellschaft, Schloss Reichenberg. Titel der amerikanischen Originalausgabe: Healing Homosexuality. Case Stories of Reparative Therapy. Mit einem Vorwort zur deutschen Ausgabe von Roland Werner und einem Geleitwort von Christl Ruth Vonholdt.

The German Institute for Youth and Society (Deutsches Institut für Jugend und Gesellschaft) is led by Christl Ruth Vonholdt and is the apologetic branch of the Reichenberg Fellowship.


Turbonegro guitarist Euroboy explained the club's origin: "We thought about how Kiss had the Kiss Army so we thought that Turbonegro should have our own Navy. It started as a joke in Happy-Tom’s apartment in 1995. We put his address on the album sleeves and it was all just for laughs. The Jugend blossomed into something way bigger than we ever expected."

Ulrich Maly

Since 1967 he has been involved honorarily in the Sozialistische Jugend Deutschlands – Die Falken (Socialist Youth of Germany – Falcons) and was delegated by them as the chairman of the Kreisjugendring (District Youth Association) Nuremberg-City.

see also