
5 unusual facts about Julian Fantino

Alan Heisey

Alan Milliken Heisey (born 1954) is a Toronto lawyer who was chair of the Toronto Police Services Board in 2004 when it voted not to renew the contract of Toronto Police Chief Julian Fantino.

Case Ootes

During his tenure on the police services board, Ootes and Justice Hugh Locke were instrumental in the selection of the more centrist Bill Blair over Mike Boyd to succeed Julian Fantino as Police Chief.

John Filion

As a member of the police services board he was a sharp critic of chief Julian Fantino and also publicly accused members of the police force of monitoring his activities.

Susan Eng

According to an internal police report leaked in 2007, in 1991 during Eng's time as Police Board chair, then-detective Julian Fantino ordered a wiretap of Eng's friend, lawyer Peter Maloney.

William J. McCormack

In 2007, he joined other former Toronto chiefs, including David Boothby, Jack Marks and Julian Fantino at a 50th anniversary celebration of the Toronto Police Service at the headquarters building.

see also