The film follows notorious musician Serge Gainsbourg's exploits from his upbringing in Nazi occupied France through his rise to fame and love affairs with Juliette Gréco, Brigitte Bardot and marriage to Jane Birkin to his later experimentation with reggae in Jamaica.
When a version of one of his songs by a popular performer of the day became a huge success, demand for his writing talents increased and he composed for Juliette Gréco and others.
The list of artists who have performed on its stage includes Louis Armstrong, Caterina Valente, Duke Ellington, Bill Haley & His Comets, Jorge Negrete, Lucho Gatica, Raphael, Lola Flores, Maurice Chevalier, Juliette Gréco, Chito Faró, the New York Philharmonic, and Claudio Arrau.
El Greco | Juliette Binoche | Juliette Lewis | Greco-Roman wrestling | Roméo et Juliette | Juliette Gréco | Greco-Italian War | Greco | Al Del Greco | Salvatore "The Engineer" Greco | Roméo et Juliette, de la Haine à l'Amour | Wrestling at the 1912 Summer Olympics – Men's Greco-Roman lightweight | Salvatore "Ciaschiteddu" Greco | Juliette Marquis | Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922) | Buddy Greco | Jim Greco | Greco-Persian Wars | Giuseppe Greco | Wrestling at the 2008 Summer Olympics – Men's Greco-Roman 84 kg | Torre del Greco | Roméo et Juliette (Berlioz) | Richard Greco, Jr. | Juliette and the Licks | James J. Greco | Greco-Turkish war (1919-1922) | Greco-Turkish War | Greco-Roman mysteries | European Greco-Roman Heavyweight Championship | Wrestling at the 2008 Summer Olympics – Men's Greco-Roman 66 kg |
"Déshabillez-moi" (English: "Undress Me") is a 1967 song first recorded by French singer Juliette Gréco, by Patti Layne in 1987, then by Mylène Farmer in a studio version in 1988 and in a live version during her 2006 concerts at Bercy (Paris).
La Javanaise is a song written and composed by Serge Gainsbourg originally for Juliette Gréco, and interpreted by both her and Serge Gainsbourg in 1963.