
unusual facts about Julius Adler

Julius Adler

Julius Ochs Adler (1892–1955), American publisher, journalist, and US Army general

Bruce Adler

Born in New York City, Adler's parents, Henrietta Jacobson and Julius Adler, and his two maternal uncles, Irving and Hymie Jacobson were well-established popular stars of the Yiddish theatre, at the time in its heyday on New York's Lower East Side.

David Beigelman

He wrote the music for Julius Adler's operettas Dos Skoytn-meydl and Di mume Gnendil and Yankev Vaksman (1866-1942)'s 's Di Sheyne Berta, all of which were staged in Łódź, and arranged the music for S. Ansky's The Dybbuk.

see also