
7 unusual facts about July 2006 in the Middle East

July 2006 in the Middle East

The UN's Jan Egeland has condemned the devastation caused by Israeli air strikes in Beirut, saying it is a violation of humanitarian law.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan calls for an "immediate cessation of hostilities" in the Middle East.

Four United Nations observers have been killed in an Israeli air strike on an observation post in south Lebanon.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has called for an "immediate cessation of hostilities" in the Middle East.

Four UN peace keepers die after, being, according to the United Nations, shelled 14 times by Israeli artillery, and a rescue team was also shelled as it tried to clear the rubble.

Four United Nations observers are killed in an Israeli air strike on an observation post in south Lebanon.

An Israeli general says all Lebanese coastal radars were destroyed, after they took part in the attack on an Israeli missile boat on Friday, killing 4 soldiers.

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