Henry Hague Davis (1885–1944), Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
Robert E. Davis (1939–2010), Associate Justice of the Kansas Supreme Court
Joseph J. Davis (1828–1892), Associate Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court
Chief Justice | United States Department of Justice | Miles Davis | Justice of the Peace | Davis Cup | High Court of Justice | Chief Justice of the United States | Justice | Jefferson Davis | Bette Davis | Sammy Davis, Jr. | Geena Davis | University of California, Davis | International Court of Justice | Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States | Associate Justice | European Court of Justice | Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales | Justice League | Steve Davis | Gray Davis | Justice Society of America | Criminal Justice Act 1988 | Bill Davis | Judy Davis | Lord Justice of Appeal | justice of the peace | Colin Davis | Ossie Davis | Fort Davis |