He worked his way to becoming the number one afternoon drive personality at KGW in Portland Oregon to the big time at KRTH in Los Angeles.
Other stations where he worked early in his career included KGW and KEX in Portland and KVAN in Vancouver, Washington.
Post WWII found Paul working in the development of the launching systems for KGW-1 Loon, which was an adaptation of the US Army's JB-2 Doodle Bug, Regulus, and Polaris missiles.
He was a news reporter at NBC affiliate television station KGW serving the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area, and now is reporter-anchorman at CBS owned-and-operated television station KTVT licensed to Fort Worth, Texas, and serving the Dallas-Fort Worth designated market area.
A 1943 brochure shows that the programs were carried on KPO in San Francisco, KFI in Los Angeles, KMJ in Fresno, KGW in Portland, Oregon, KOMO in Seattle, Washington, and KHQ in Spokane, Washington.
After the death of Mazzino Montinari in 1986 Müller-Lauter took over the co-editorship of the complete critical edition of Nietzsche’s Works (KGW) produced by de Gruyter.