All of these prayers are recited while facing in the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca and forms an important aspect of the Muslim Ummah.
They say that Muhammad, Khadija bint Khuwaylid (Muhammad's wife), and Ali all gathered for prayer before the Kaaba, thus becoming the first Muslims to worship in public.
Crone argues that if Mecca had been a well-known center of trade, it would have been mentioned by later authors such as Procopius, Nonnosus, or the Syrian church chroniclers writing in Syriac.
In Makkan Trade and the Rise of Islam, Patricia Crone argues that the identification of Macoraba with Mecca is false and that Macoraba was a town in southern Arabia in what was then known as Arabia Felix.
Muhammad acted generously to the Meccans, demanding only that the pagan idols around the Kaaba be destroyed.
He contributed to the development of many monuments, chief of them being the internal curtains of the Ka‘bah and the zarih of Maulana ‘Alī and Imam Husain.
Before Mecca and Jerusalem came under Muslim control between 630 CE and 638 CE, the site of the Kaaba, which was established by Prophet Abraham and Ismail, was used by non-Muslim Arabs who worshipped multiple gods.
It goes on to ask why Safa and Marwa are venerated, and what difference there is between them and any other hill in the vicinity of Mecca, for example the hill of Abu Qubays, and why the Kaaba is any better than any other house.
Islamic tradition further holds that Hagar and Ishmael found a spring in Mecca, the Zamzam well, from which the Jurhum wanted to drink, and that after their ousting by the Khuza'a tribe, that the Jurhum collected the treasures dedicated to the Kaaba and destroyed the Zamzam well so that nobody would find it.
Syed Muhammad Mahdi Mau'ood (Urdu: سید محمد جونپورى) (September 9, 1443 - April 23, 1505 AD), (14, Jamadi ul Awal 847 - 23, Ziquada 910) Hijri), commonly known as Nur Pak was a perfect Saint who claimed to be Imam Mahdi at the holy city of Mecca, right in front of Kaaba (between rukn and maqam) in the Hijri year 901(10th Hijri), and is revered as such by Mahdavia and Zikris.
In the late tenth century, a story spread that before Muhammad destroyed the idols at the Kaaba, that of Manāt was secretly sent to a Hindu temple in India; and the place was renamed as So-Manāt or Somnath.
After his marriage in 1979, within a year he traveled to the holy city of Makka (KSA) and enrolled in Umm al-Qura University and for the next five years gained expertise in Islamic Law.
A man from the Himyarite Kingdom was sent by Abraha to advise them that Abraha only wished to demolish the Kaaba and if they resisted, they would be crushed.