Sub Tropical mixed Broad-Leaved Hill Forest is the forest type in the area comprising: Alnus nepalensis (Uttis), Castanopsis (Kattus), Macaranga (Malata), Engelhardia spicata (Mahua), Michelia (Champ), Toona ciliata (Tooni), Machilus (Kawla), Symplocos (Kharane) and Cinnamomum (Sinkoli).
Kabi Lungchok region is also home to several species of birds such as: the Pariahkite, Crested Serpent eagle, shahhen falcon, Rufous-necked Hornbill, Aceros nipalensis, Chestnut-breasted Partridge, Black-breasted Parrotbill, Grey-crowned Prinia, Ward’s Trogon.