Around the Oligo-Miocene boundary, Castanopsis grew abundantly along rivers and in bogs and swamps of then-subtropical Europe.
The Moores had planned to locate the school on their property near Palestine, Texas — where a branch of Chinquapin Creek and several Chinquapin trees can be found — but were convinced they needed to be closer to Houston.
This will usually include "xylon" and a term indicating its presumed affinity, such as Araucarioxylon (wood of Araucaria or some related genus), Palmoxylon (wood of an indeterminate palm), or Castanoxylon (wood of an indeterminate chinkapin).
Castanopsis acuminatissima ranges from southwestern China (Guizhou and Yunnan provinces) through Indochina (Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Chittagong Hills of Bangladesh) and Malesia (Malaysia; the islands of Sulawesi, Java, Kalimantan, and Sumatra, in Indonesia; the islands of New Guinea (West Papua in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea) and New Britain (Papua New Guinea)).
Sub Tropical mixed Broad-Leaved Hill Forest is the forest type in the area comprising: Alnus nepalensis (Uttis), Castanopsis (Kattus), Macaranga (Malata), Engelhardia spicata (Mahua), Michelia (Champ), Toona ciliata (Tooni), Machilus (Kawla), Symplocos (Kharane) and Cinnamomum (Sinkoli).
The floral composition of the tea estate consists of broad leaf vegetation comprising Alnus nepalensis (Uttis), Castanopsis (Kattus), Macaranga (Malata), Engelhardia spicata (Mahua), Michelia (Champ), Toona ciliata (Tooni), Machilus (Kawla), Symplocos (Kharane) and Cinnamomum (Sinkoli).