
2 unusual facts about Kanto


Musashino is an organization whose duty is to protect Kanto.


With the advent of the Kanto centred Kamakura and Edo Shogunate, Heian-kyō began to lose its significance as a seat of power.

Hatsudai Station

The area around Hatsudai Station is home to corporations such as Lotte, Casio and NTT East, as well as to the Kanto International Senior High School.

Kanegasaki, Iwate

The industrial park has several different manufacturing facilities, such as a Toyota plant that produces Lexus automobiles (Kanto Jidousha) and a Fujitsu semiconductor facility.

Norio Sasaki

After graduating from Meiji, Sasaki started to work for Nippon Telegraph and Telephone and joined company club NTT Kanto Soccer Club.

Oskar Merikanto

Meri means "sea" and refers to his voyage from Vaasa to Helsinki; Kanto refers to his origins from the estate Kanto in the Finnish-speaking area of Ostrobothnia.

Sagami Trough

Earthquakes associated with the Sagami Trough are a threat to Tokyo and the Kanto Region because of the proximity to a population center (with over 36 million living in Tokyo's metro area, with a total of 43 million living in the Kanto Region) and the magnitude the Sagami Trough can create.

Uesugi Akisada

Sōun, with Tamekage's help, would go on to conquer some of Sagami Province, and become one of the most major figures of the Sengoku period; Tamekage's son Uesugi Kenshin would likewise become a major warlord of the period, his rise with the Kantō as the center of his power base, as the result of Akisada's loss, a crucial element to his success.


In Kantō region, AEON Group stores already accept Suica, iD, and PASMO as well.

see also