It was the location of the Wars of Kappel in 1529 and 1531, during the turmoils that accompanied the Reformation of Huldrych Zwingli.
Kappel | Albis | Kappel am Albis | Wars of Kappel | Ebnat-Kappel |
In August 1526, guests coming from St. Gallen were invited by the city councils and all the Guilds of Zurich for a dinner, among them the prominent Zurich cleric, as Ulrich Zwingli, Leo Jud, Konrad Pelikan, Friedrich Myconius and the Kappel abbey's abbot.
The wars of Kappel (Kappelerkriege) is a collective term for two armed conflicts fought near Kappel am Albis between the Protestant and the Roman Catholic cantons of the Old Swiss Confederacy during the Reformation in Switzerland.