
unusual facts about Kappel am Albis

Kappel am Albis

It was the location of the Wars of Kappel in 1529 and 1531, during the turmoils that accompanied the Reformation of Huldrych Zwingli.

Lindenhof hill

In August 1526, guests coming from St. Gallen were invited by the city councils and all the Guilds of Zurich for a dinner, among them the prominent Zurich cleric, as Ulrich Zwingli, Leo Jud, Konrad Pelikan, Friedrich Myconius and the Kappel abbey's abbot.

Wars of Kappel

The wars of Kappel (Kappelerkriege) is a collective term for two armed conflicts fought near Kappel am Albis between the Protestant and the Roman Catholic cantons of the Old Swiss Confederacy during the Reformation in Switzerland.

see also