
unusual facts about Karaism


David ibn Merwan al-Mukkamas

Pinsker and Grätz, confounding him with Daniel ha-Babli of Cairo, make him a Mohammedan convert to Karaism, on the ground that he is quoted by Karaite scholars, and is called by Hadasi "ger ẓedeḳ" (pious proselyte).


Crimean Karaites, also known as Karaim and Qarays, are ethnic group derived from Turkic-speaking adherents of Karaism in Eastern Europe (former Russian Empire).


On the left bank of the Tigris between Samarra and Baghdad was the city of ‘Ukbarâ (عكبرا, q. v.), located along a river that flows southward out of Asia Minor, and the birthplace of at least two Jewish "heresiarchs", who led the "Okbarite" heretical movement within Karaism, itself a heresy in the eyes of orthodox Judaism.

see also