
4 unusual facts about Pinsker

David ibn Merwan al-Mukkamas

Pinsker and Grätz, confounding him with Daniel ha-Babli of Cairo, make him a Mohammedan convert to Karaism, on the ground that he is quoted by Karaite scholars, and is called by Hadasi "ger ẓedeḳ" (pious proselyte).


Consequently there are among the Karaites many learned men who are called by the title "ha-melammed ha-gadol" (the great master), or merely "ha-melammed" (the master; comp. Pinsker, "Liḳḳute Ḳadmoniyyot", Index; Gottlober, "Biḳḳoret le-Toledot ha-Ḳara'im", pp. 195, 207, Wilna, 1865).


Simhah Pinsker (1801–1864), Polish-Jewish scholar and archeologist

Pinsker's inequality

The inequality in the above form was proved independently by Kullback, Csiszár, and Kemperman.

see also