
unusual facts about Karen Tuttle

Karen Tuttle

In 1955, she was invited by Pablo Casals to perform chamber music with him at the Casals Festival in Prades, where she returned for at least seven subsequent festivals.

Apple Hill Center for Chamber Music

As a concert violist, he studied with Martha Strongin Katz, Heidi Castleman, and Karen Tuttle, participated in chamber music studies with members of the Budapest, Cleveland, and Guarneri quartets, and pursued advanced studies at the International Musician's Seminar in Prussia Cove, England, with Sándor Végh.

Sıla Eser

In addition, Sila has participated in master classes with many artists including Yuri Gandelsman, Bruno Pasquier, Claude Frank, Peter Frankl, Kim Kashkashian, Karen Tuttle, Roger Bigley, Eric Schumsky, Steven Dann, the Vermeer Quartet, Tokyo Quartet and the Emerson Quartet.

see also