
3 unusual facts about Kashan

Automotive industry in Iran

Since then, Iran has developed its domestic industry where it can design and assemble cars on its own, including a new car factory in Kashan.

Hossein Khajeh Amiri

He was born in a small town located 55 kilometers west of Kashan, Iran.


In 1301 Abū'l-Qāsim, who came from a family of tilemakers based in Kashan, wrote a treatise on the manufacture of fritware ceramics in which he mentions the village as a source of cobalt ore.


Kashan |

John Mildenhall

On 7 June 1600 Mildenhall left Aleppo with an entourage of six hundred people and, travelling through Bir, Urfa, Diabekir, Butelis, Van, Nakhichevan, Julfa, Sultanieh, Kazvin, Kum, Kashan, Kirman, Sistan and Kandahar, he reached Lahore in 1603.

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