
2 unusual facts about John Mildenhall

John Mildenhall

On 7 June 1600 Mildenhall left Aleppo with an entourage of six hundred people and, travelling through Bir, Urfa, Diabekir, Butelis, Van, Nakhichevan, Julfa, Sultanieh, Kazvin, Kum, Kashan, Kirman, Sistan and Kandahar, he reached Lahore in 1603.

A letter from Ajmer dated 20 September 1614 informs the British East India Company that an Englishman named Richard Steele arrived at Aleppo along with another Englishman Richard Newman in pursuit of one John Midnall who had tried to flee with the Company's provisions to India but was overtaken and captured at Tombaz and taken back to Isfahan.

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