
4 unusual facts about Kate Orman

Fallen Gods

Fallen Gods is an original novella written by Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.

Grace Holloway

Grace's life after her encounter with the Doctor has not been explored on-screen beyond the television movie, although the Doctor did have to deal with the after effects of those events in the spin-off Eighth Doctor Adventures novel Unnatural History, by Kate Orman and Jonathan Blum.

Seeing I

Seeing I is an original novel written by Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.

The Year of Intelligent Tigers

The Year of Intelligent Tigers is a BBC Books original novel written by Kate Orman and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.


Because of chronic delays troubling Ben Aaronovitch's So Vile a Sin (which was eventually finished by Kate Orman), it was actually the 59th New Adventure published.

The Mary-Sue Extrusion

The title of the book (a reference to a Mary Sue, an authorial wish-fulfillment character) was thought up by Kate Orman, who had been offered the slot, but declined.

see also