Hurricane Katrina | Katrina Kaif | Katrina Bowden | Katrina and the Waves | Katrina Devine | Katrina Leung | Katrina Leskanich | Katrina Karkazis | Zoren Legaspi | Katrina Retallick | Katrina Law | U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 | Lito Legaspi | Katrina Patchett | Katrina Legarda | Katrina Hodgkinson | Katrina Dunn | Katrina and The Waves | Jose Borromeo Legaspi Memorial National High School | Hurricane Katrina disaster relief | hurricane Katrina | Effects of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans | Celeste Legaspi | Calen Martin Legaspi |
: The plot revolves around Bubuy (Nash Aguas) who is out to save his abducted grandparents in the land of Elementalia, a magical and mystical world that houses many of the Philippines' mythical creatures and other enchanted elements.It features a friendly Vegetarian Manananggal named Anna (Katrina Legaspi), relating her to a different species of bat which is a fruit bat, as opposed the blood thirsty ones based on the folklore.