The cast for the Bondi Pavilion show were Anthony Cogin as "Lester's father", Benj Daddario as "the Birdman", Ryan Desaunier, Amanda Dolby, Sam Moran, Emma Pask, Katrina Retallick as "Evelyn", Alyson Standen as "Miss Yahwhohow" and Alicia Wolfe.
Hurricane Katrina | Katrina Kaif | Katrina Bowden | Katrina and the Waves | Katrina Devine | Katrina Leung | Katrina Leskanich | Katrina Karkazis | Katrina Retallick | Katrina Law | U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 | Katrina Patchett | Katrina Legarda | Katrina Hodgkinson | Katrina Dunn | Katrina and The Waves | Hurricane Katrina disaster relief | hurricane Katrina | Effects of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans |