
6 unusual facts about Ken Bates

Gerald Krasner

Krasner and his consortium eventually sold the club to former Chelsea supremo Ken Bates, a flamboyant character who had himself recently sold Chelsea FC to billionaire Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich.

Ken Bates

He provided significant finance by way of bank guarantees that enabled the then manager, Larry Lloyd, to sign a number of players, not the least of which was Eamonn O'Keefe from Everton for £65,000.

The Leeds United fanzine Square Ball has published a photograph of Ken Bates with Rhodesian PM Ian Smith during a 1967 tour by Oldham Athletic, when Rhodesia was subject to UN sanctions.

Mike Grella

Leeds chairman, Ken Bates announced on 12 May that Grella was to be transfer listed by Leeds as he didn't figure in the clubs future plans.

Quinn brothers' killings

The then Chelsea F.C. chairman, Ken Bates, offered a £100,000 reward for information leading to a conviction for the attackers.


In the late 1970s, the British businessman Ken Bates attempted to purchase the island on a 199-year lease, but this was blocked after a protest movement led by islander Noel Lloyd forced the local government to drop the plan.

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