He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Academy of Political and Social Science, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, and the Russell Sage Foundation.
Under the stewardship of four successive presidents—David Featherman (1989–95), Kenneth Prewitt (1995–98), Orville Brim, Jr. (98–1999), and Craig Calhoun (1999–2012)—the SSRC closed down its area committees in favor of a reorganized international program with thematic, cross-regional, and cross-cultural components.
In 1999, Kenneth Prewitt, director of the United States Census Bureau estimated that the census under counts American Indians and Alaska Natives by just over 12 percent.
John Kenneth Galbraith | Kenneth Branagh | Kenneth McClintock | Kenneth Grahame | Kenneth Cole | Kenneth Burke | Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds | Kenneth Williams | Kenneth Noland | Kenneth Clarke | Kenneth T. Jackson | Kenneth Rexroth | Kenneth Hayne | Kenneth Cranham | Kenneth Cole Productions | Kenneth Cockrel, Jr. | Kenneth Anger | Kenneth Tynan | Kenneth Kaunda | Kenneth Baker, Baron Baker of Dorking | Kenneth Armitage | Kenneth More | Kenneth Goldsmith | Kenneth Frampton | Kenneth Fisher | Kenneth Connor | Kenneth Rogoff | Kenneth R. Miller | Kenneth Patchen | Kenneth Nicholls |
Méndez, Alex Neve, André Pratte, Kenneth Prewitt, David Scheffer, Hugh D. Segal, Jennifer Allen Simons, Janice Gross Stein, Allan Thompson, Thomas G. Weiss, and Harvey Yarosky.