
unusual facts about Kent County Council

New Enterprise Coaches

New Enterprise now operates a number of local bus services in the Tonbridge and Sevenoaks areas under contract to Kent County Council.

Baron Cornwallis

The first Baron's second but eldest surviving son, the second Baron, also served as Chairman of the Kent County Council and was Lord Lieutenant of Kent.

Operation Stack

The MEP for South East England, Richard Ashworth, and the leader of Kent County Council, Paul Carter, urged French president Nicolas Sarkozy to step-in and resolve the SeaFrance dispute, protesting the difficulties incurred by the county's residents and businesses.

see also

Gideon Coe

He began working in local government for Kent County Council, before starting as a sports broadcaster at BT ClubCall.

Holwood House

The work was carried out by the Forestry Section of the Kent County Council's Estates Department in collaboration with the Anti-Slavery Society of Denison University.