
unusual facts about Keter


In the foundational Kabbalistic structure of the 10 Sephirot (emanations), Keter (Divine Will) transcends the intellectual Sephirot, and is the origin of All.


Keter |

David ben Solomon ibn Abi Zimra

Keter Malkut ("Crown of Royalty") — prayers for Yom Kippur, first published with the above-mentioned Ohr Kadmon, reprinted in the Shevet Musar of Elijah ben Abraham Solomon ha-Kohen of Smyrna, and finally inserted by Heidenheim in the ritual for the eve of Yom Kippur.

Judy Feld Carr

In addition, she provided money to assist families of those imprisoned and she was able to smuggle out of that country many rare Jewish religious articles, including the famous Damascus Codex, known as a "Keter" (Crown), which had been written in the 12th Century in Italy, found its way to Castile, Constantinople, and eventually Damascus, where it had been kept in secret for some 500 years.

Rabbah bar Nahmani

Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1972, Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem, Israel.

see also