The Battle of La Forbie, also known as the Battle of Harbiyah, was fought October 17, 1244 – October 18, 1244 between the allied armies (drawn from the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the crusading orders, the breakaway Ayyubids of Damascus, Homs and Kerak) and the Egyptian army of the Ayyubid Sultan as-Salih Ayyub, reinforced with Khwarezmian mercenaries.
In the early part of its history, the inhabitants of the area were from Iranian stock and spoke an Eastern Iranian language called Khwarezmian.
Khwarezm, a large oasis region on the Amu Darya river delta in western Central Asia bordering the former Aral Sea and the center of the Khwarezmian civilization
Khwarezmian language also known as Chorasmian, an extinct East Iranian language
Khwarazmian dynasty, a Persianate Sunni Muslim dynasty of Turkic mamluk origin that ruled Greater Iran from about 1077 to 1231