
unusual facts about Kingdom of Sarawak

Kingdom of Sarawak

After the World War II, Vyner Brooke ceded Sarawak to the Colonial Office for a sizeable pension for him and his three daughters.

Genzan Air Group

At the end of February, the unit was transferred to Bangkok and assigned to patrols over the Indian Ocean; however, facilities at Bangkok were not satisfactory and the unit was soon reassigned to Palembang in Sumatra in the Netherlands East Indies, with some aircraft dispersed to Kuching in Sarawak.

Japanese destroyer Sagiri

From 17 December, Sagiri covered Japanese landings at Miri and at Kuching in Sarawak.

Moro Pirates

Also in the 1840s, James Brooke became the White Rajah of Sarawak and he led a small navy in a series of campaigns against the Moro pirates.

SS Ural Maru

On her last voyage, Ural Maru had departed Singapore bound for Takao in Taiwan and had called on Kuching and Miri in Japanese-occupied Sarawak, where she loaded Japanese wounded, nurses and a number of "comfort women".

see also