Kusel | Langweiler, Kusel | Quirnbach, Kusel | Kusel (district) | Kirrweiler |
Blaubach borders in the north on the municipality of Oberalben, in the east on the municipalities of Erdesbach and Altenglan, in the south on the town of Kusel and in the west on the municipality of Körborn.
Young farmers could attend agricultural schools in Meisenheim and Baumholder, and after local governmental restructuring in 1968, also in Kusel.
Today, the village is almost purely a residential community for those who commute to jobs in Kusel, Kaiserslautern, Ramstein, Baumholder and even as far away as Mannheim and Ludwigshafen.
The Glan-Blies-Weg cycling and hiking trail passes just to the east of the station, running to the south along the former Glan Valley Railway railway to Waldmohr and to the north over long sections of the now dismantled second track of the line to Kusel.
Young farmers could go to agricultural schools in Meisenheim and Baumholder, and after the 1968 regional reform, in Kusel, too.
According to the document, the magistrates denied Waldgrave Friedrich of Kyrburg any rights to the villages of Schweinschied, Kappeln, Löllbach, Langweiler, Käsweiler (vanished before 1500), Sulzbach, Homberg, Kirrweiler, Oberjeckenbach (cleared out in 1933 by the Nazis to make way for the Baumholder troop drilling ground) and Unterjeckenbach.
The outlying centre of Zollstock lies at an elevation of 360 m above sea level on the heights of a mountain saddle that stands between the Anderbach and Rötelbach valleys.
In 1938, when the Baumholder troop drilling ground was being built, the municipality was stripped of 155.5 ha of woodland by the Nazis.
Young farmers could attend agricultural schools in Meisenheim and Baumholder, and after regional reform in 1968, in Kusel, too.
People were to be put in a position to be able to read the Bible for themselves, thereby raising the general level of education.
Kirrweiler borders in the north on the municipality of Homberg (and more specifically on the Schönbornerhof, that municipality’s historic farm estate), in the northeast on the municipality of Herren-Sulzbach, in the east on the municipality of Deimberg, in the south on the municipality of Sankt Julian and in the west on the Baumholder troop drilling ground.
Langweiler, Kusel, a municipality in the district of Kusel, Rhineland-Palitinate, Germany
270 (Kusel–Rammelsbach–Altenglan–Patersbach–Bedesbach–Erdesbach–Ulmet–Rathsweiler–Niederalben–Eschenau–Sankt Julian–Glanbrücken–Offenbach am Glan–Wiesweiler–Lauterecken),
Glan-Münchweiler, municipality in the district of Kusel, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Serving Altenglan 5 km away is Altenglan station, which is on the Landstuhl–Kusel railway and is served by Regionalbahn service RB 67, called the Glantalbahn (the name of which refers to the Glan Valley Railway, which shared some of the route of the Landstuhl–Kusel line, including the former railway junction at Altenglan).
Upon formation of the Verbandsgemeinden, Oberstaufenbach found itself in the Verbandsgemeinde of Altenglan in the Kusel district.
Quirnbach, Kusel (also Quirnbach/Pfalz), in the district of Kusel
Kusel, Glan-Münchweiler and Homburg can all be easily reached from Schellweiler by bus, with routes running over Kreisstraßen and Landesstraßen.
The municipality lies in the Bledesbach valley, which stretches from Schellweiler to Wahnwegen along the highway between Kusel and Glan-Münchweiler.