
4 unusual facts about Klaus Fuchs

Andrew Ray

Despite a rocky period in his twenties, Ray subsequently appeared in numerous film, theatre and television roles over the years, including as nuclear scientist Klaus Fuchs for Anglia Television and as King George VI in Crown Matrimonial on stage and television.

Bryan Sterling

While at the camp, he shared quarters with the famous nuclear spy Klaus Fuchs.

Leonard Burt

On 2 February 1950, Burt arrested German atomic spy Klaus Fuchs, who was charged under the Official Secrets Act with espionage for passing British and American atomic secrets to the Soviet Union.

Lev Vasilevsky

Vasilevsky provided Pontecorvo with an escape route through Finland which Pontecorvo used in 1950 after the arrest of Klaus Fuchs.

see also

Theodore Hall

Igor Kurchatov, a brilliant scientist and the head of the Soviet atomic bomb effort, probably used information provided by Klaus Fuchs to confirm corresponding information provided earlier by Hall.