After the battle, its Political Commissars, Joseph Stalin and Kliment Voroshilov, failed to control the men in their command: with morale and discipline at a low point, robbery and violence by the 'Red Cossacks' against the civilian population became commonplace.
The KV series of tanks, used in World War II, was named after Voroshilov.
In an embarrassing incident at the 1943 Tehran Conference, during a ceremony to receive the "Sword of Stalingrad" from Winston Churchill, he took the sword from Stalin but then allowed the sword to fall from its scabbard onto his toes in the presence of the Big Three wartime leaders.
Voroshilov | Kliment Voroshilov tank | Kliment Voroshilov | Kliment Timiryazev | Kliment Red'ko | Václav Kliment Klicpera | St. Kliment Ohridski Base |
First established in 1827 as the Advance Officers' Class of the Imperial Russian Navy and later the Nikolayev Naval Academy and reorganized as the Petrograd Maritime Academy in 1917, and at various times renamed as the WPRF Naval Academy, the Marshal of the Soviet Union Kliment Voroshilov Naval Academy and the Marshal of the Soviet Union Andrey Grechko Naval Academy, it gained its current name and title in 1990.
T-100 "Sotka", a Soviet heavy tank prototype considered while developing the Kliment Voroshilov tank