
3 unusual facts about Kliment Voroshilov tank

Kliment Voroshilov

The KV series of tanks, used in World War II, was named after Voroshilov.

Kliment Voroshilov tank

On 23–24 June, a single KV-2 effectively pinned down elements of the 6th Panzer Division – the spearhead of Panzergruppe 4 – for a full day at the bridgeheads of the Dubysa river near Raseiniai, Lithuania, playing a prominent role in delaying the German advance on Leningrad and destroying around two dozen German tanks.

The KV-1's side, top, and turret armor could also be penetrated by the high-velocity MK 101 carried by German ground attack aircraft such as the Henschel Hs 129, requiring the installation of additional field-expedient appliqué armour.

German encounter of Soviet T-34 and KV tanks

Prior to the invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II, the German armed forces were not aware of two newly developed Soviet tanks, the T-34 and the KV.

see also


T-100 "Sotka", a Soviet heavy tank prototype considered while developing the Kliment Voroshilov tank