
unusual facts about Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

Kathryn Troutman

Troutman has been described in the media as an expert on the Federal Resume, on Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities statements, and on federal career consulting in general.

152d Airlift Wing

A week prior to the actual exercise to test the new methods and information, personnel from the 152nd AW deployed to Mariscal Sucre International Airport, Quito to conduct training and classes aimed at improving the skills of Aircrew and Photo Interpreters.

Annick Gendron

Uncommon themes such as the limits to scientific knowledge and the Pan-European identity are central to her work.


The Bi-Beast is an android with two heads (one atop the other - the top skull is given knowledge of warfare while the bottom skull was given a knowledge of culture) created many years ago by an avian race that were in turn a sub-species of the Inhumans.

Christian Topography

Edward Gibbon, for example, said "the nonsense of the Monk was, nevertheless, mingled with the practical knowledge of the traveller" and used it in writing The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

Christoph Hartknoch

Hartknoch's extensive scientific body of works contributed greatly to knowledge of Prussia, Pomerania, Samogitia, Courland, and Poland.

Codex Nitriensis

S. P. Tregelles, An Introduction to the Critical study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, London 1856, pp.

Contemporary Jewish Museum

Edward Rothstein of the New York Times criticizes the museum for its dedication to “multiple perspectives and open-mindedness…without a grounding in knowledge, without history, detail, object and belief.”

David Kossoff

He was also well known for his story-telling skills, particularly with regard to reinterpreting the Bible.

Dody Weston Thompson

Dody went on to develop her other artistic skills as a drama and poetry major at Sophie Newcomb College of Tulane University in New Orleans in 1940.

Duke Ellington's Sacred Concerts

The Third Sacred Concert was built around the skills of Alice Babs, Harry Carney, and Ellington himself on the piano.

Faust: The Second Part of the Tragedy

It can be seen as one of the most difficult works of World literature, requiring an extensive knowledge of Greek mythology.

Gamlin Kizaki

A skilled pilot and protégé of the famous Zentradi ace Milia Fallyna Jenius, Gamlin's skills were discovered early in his career, and he was made a member of Macross 7's elite squadron, Diamond Force, piloting a VF-17 Nightmare.

Governance Initiative for Rights and Accountability in Forest Management

The Governance Initiative for Rights & Accountability in Forest Management (GIRAF) is a project executed in Ghana with funds from the European Union (EU) and its partners CARE Denmark, CIVIC Response, Friends of the Earth-Ghana and Centre for Indigenous Knowledge.

Hannah Moffat

When the BBC split the region into two when Moffat was honing her journalism and reporting skills in London and the South East so she re-joined Look North in 2005 to present the bulletins during BBC Breakfast from Hull.

Hasan Mashhud Chowdhury

Without his knowledge, the Moeen group had filed cases at night; they arrested former prime ministers and leaders of the two major parties, Khaleda Zia and Sheikh Hasina, of the BNP and Awami League, respectively.

Hayim Tadmor

As a student of Benno Landsberger and Sidney Smith, his knowledge was grounded in immediate knowledge and experience that went back to the earliest years of Assyriology.

Henrietta Leaver

Years later, discussion of Leaver’s controversial nude statue would return to prominence when Vanessa Williams lost her Miss America title, by comparing Leaver not being invited back to crown her successor as she had “posed for a nude statue” – despite wearing a bathing suit while posing, with her grandmother present and with no knowledge that the artwork would display her naked.

Historiography of science

The influential bureaucrat Vannevar Bush, and the president of Harvard, James Conant, both encouraged the study of the history of science as a way of improving general knowledge about how science worked, and why it was essential to maintain a large scientific workforce.

Jakob Twinger von Königshofen

He possessed a good knowledge and availed himself freely of the sources of medieval prose and poetry (particularly Ekkehard, but also Eusebius, Bede, Hermannus Contractus, Martinus Polonus, and others).

Jan Muršak

Muršak developed his skills in his hometown ice hockey club HDK Maribor where he played until the age of 17.

José Del Vecchio

For over half a century, this corporation has been a renowned source not only of professional players who have shown their skills in Major League Baseball, among others Bobby Abreu, Bo Díaz, Andrés Galarraga, Freddy García, Pablo Sandoval, Luis Sojo and Omar Vizquel, but also of prominent citizens in in different fields of national development.

Joseph W. Cullen

Joseph Cullen grew up in the Boston area attending Boston Latin School where he developed his strong debate and speaking skills which he displayed throughout his professional career.

Margaret Bentinck, Duchess of Portland

In 1766, the Genevan Romantic and philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau met Bentinck, admired her knowledge of botany despite his general belief that women could not be scientific, and offered his services as her "herborist" (plant collector).

Metatron's Cube

The derivation of Metatron's cube from the tree of life, which the Talmud clearly states was excluded from human experience during the exile from Eden, has led some scholars (including Johann Andreas Eisenmenger) to portray Metatron as the means by which humanity was given knowledge of YHVH; presumably implying that study of Metatron's cube would be necessary to understanding the tree of life.

Mimoza Kusari Lila

Her leadership skills and managerial were tested while she worked as project manager at the American University in Kosovo Foundation education plan for Kosovo and the establishment of the institution.

Momo Kapor

The generations of people from former Yugoslavia were connected through Kapor's writings which have become best sellers in Zagreb's house of "knowledge" and its famous library "hit".

Monkwearmouth–Jarrow Abbey

His idea was to build a model monastery for England, sharing his knowledge of the experience of the Roman traditions in an area previously more influenced by Celtic Christianity stemming from missionaries of Melrose and Iona.

Neville Hiscock

Neville and his younger brother Dave Hiscock grew up in Stokes Valley, a suburb near Wellington, where they both rode an old BSA Bantam in grass paddocks, and later perfected their skills on the infamous Rimutaka hill climb nearby north of Upper Hutt.

Nikolaos Mavridis

He is also an active member of the Horasis think tank based in Switzerland, whose purpose is to "enact visions for a sustainable future" through new platforms for cooperation and knowledge-sharing, particularly between developed countries and emerging markets.


The Chakravyūha or Padmavyūha was a special formation (Vyūha), and knowledge of how to penetrate it was limited to only a handful of warriors on the Pandavas' side, namely Abhimanyu, Arjuna, Krishna and Pradyumna.

Peter Spier

Like other children's illustrators such as Beatrix Potter or Christopher Wormell, Peter Spier demonstrates his talent and skills as an artist/illustrator using pen, ink and watercolour on paper.

Piotr Gajewski

Upon completing his formal education, Gajewski continued refining his conducting skills at the 1983 Tanglewood Music Festival in Massachusetts, where he was awarded a Leonard Bernstein Conducting Fellowship and where his teachers included Leonard Bernstein, Seiji Ozawa, André Previn, Gunther Schuller, Gustav Meier and Maurice Abravanel.


She was induced to musical and singing skills the different way from other youths, which made her fellow schoolmates astonished by her ignorance of Britney Spears (as expressed in one episode).

Robert D'Onston Stephenson

According to Maxim Jakubowski and Jonathan Braund "it appears that his (Stephenson's) cultured manner and eagerness to assist the police with arcane knowledge evoked their admiration rather than their suspicion".

Rolando Masferrer

In December, 1960, the Miami Herald, reported that Masferrer was leading a small group of fifty three people who were polishing their killing skills at a ranch owned by multi-millionaire Howard Hughes.


When asked about claims of plagiarism, he vehemently refuted the charge and said the accusers are jealous people who didn't have sharp, instantaneous composing skills like he had and therefore are doing all they can to discredit him.

Sam Barthe School for Boys

Much like the popular quiz shows Jeopardy!, the Prep Quiz Bowl featured teams of highly gifted academic students from schools of all sizes from around the region, testing students knowledge and game strategy in a head-to-head elimination tournament lasting several weeks.

Samuel More

Samuel More, under his father Richard's direction, removed the four children from their home, and four years later, without their mother's knowledge, they were transported to the New World on board the Pilgrim Fathers' ship the Mayflower.

Solomon Caesar Malan

After serving various curacies, he was presented in 1845 to the living of Broadwindsor, Dorset, which he held until 1886 During this entire period he continued to augment his linguistic knowledge; he was able to preach in Georgian, on a visit which he paid to Nineveh in 1872.

South Gyle

The inscription is from Albert Einstein and says, Knowledge is wonderful, but imagination is even better.

Sprott School of Business

To earn a Bachelor of Commerce degree students must demonstrate proficient knowledge in the following base level courses: Marketing, Human Resources, Information Systems, Statistics, Finance, Economics, Ethics, Strategic Management, Organizational Theory, Organizational Behaviour, and Financial and Managerial Accounting.

Steel bridge competition

The ASCE/AISC steel bridge competition is a student contest that tests the knowledge and practicality of teams of university students from American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student Chapters in the field of structural engineering.

Swedish Humanist Association

The yearly award commemorates the Swedish philosopher Ingemar Hedenius, whose views - expressed in his book Tro och vetande ("Belief and knowledge") - were instrumental in starting the cultural debate that eventually led to the separating of the Swedish church and state.

Twin Earth thought experiment

Paul Boghossian raised an objection to the class of Twin-Earth-style arguments for externalism in the form of an argument that aims to show that externalism is incompatible with privileged self-knowledge.

Understanding Lung Sounds

Understanding Lung Sounds 3rd edition (2002) by Steven Lehrer is a book and audio CD that guides the student through the skills of lung auscultation.

Understanding Pediatric Heart Sounds

Understanding Pediatric Heart Sounds 2nd edition (2003) by Steven Lehrer is a book and audio CD that guides the student through the skills of pediatric heart auscultation.

Vishalakshi Dakshinamurthy

She hailed from Taluku Family which was famous for their literary skills.She is also niece of noted Kannada novelist T.R.Subba Rao(TaRaSu).

Voice of Hope

Voice of Hope seeks to provide children living in the neighborhoods of West Dallas with strong character models, education support, life skills, and family support services needed to become productive Christian citizens.

XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002

The International AIDS Society selected this theme to emphasize the need for the general community and public and private sector organizations, scientists, and social workers to commit to use the knowledge gained through science and experience take action.

Yiddish Book Center

In 2001 Ruthe B. Cowl (1912–2008) of Laredo, Texas, donated $1 million to create the Jack and Ruthe B. Cowl Center, which promotes "Yiddish literary, artistic, musical, and historical knowledge and accomplishment" at the Amherst headquarters.

see also